Википедия: Эде көрүлделер аразында ылгал

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Agilight (чугаа | үлүг)
Отмена правки 15986, сделанной участником (обс.)
Agilight (чугаа | үлүг)
Отмена правки 15985, сделанной участником (обс.)
Одуруг 1:
my note
'''Видибилином''' (Hawaiian language: [[:en:wikt:wikiwiki|видивиди/вигивиги]]) - [[Билии номнам|билии номнам]].-->
'''Википе́дия''' ({{lang-en|Wikipedia}}; [''wɪkɨˈpiːdiə''] <small>азы</small> [''ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə''] <small>деп адаттынар</small>) — [[Вики|Викиниң]] эгелеринге тургустунган хостуг ниити-чедимниг (общедоступная) хөй дылдыг универсалдыг интернет четкизинде энциклопедия. [http://www.wikipedia.org http://www.wikipedia.org] деп интернет-сайтыда тургускан.
Сайтының эдилекчизи — 39 регионалдыг төлээлиг «[[Викимедиа Фондузу]]» деп американ садыг-саарылга чок хууда организация башкарып турар. Энциклопедияның ады ''wiki'' биле ''encyclopedia'' деп англи сөстерден тывылган.
My dad said'oh' When he realised what Kenny was holding.
No- actually he didn't say ' ho ' It was just that his mouth made the shape it would
Википедияның кол онзагайы болза, (сайтының ажылын тургузуп турар wiki деп арганын ачызында) ооң дүрүмүн эки билир болгаш Интернетти ажыглап турар кижи бүрүзү, безин бүрүткетпейн-даа, энциклопедияны бижип база эдип болур бооп турар. Энциклопедияны бижип турар эки турачыларның эдип база бижип каан чүүлдери ол-ла дораан сайтының эдилекчилеринге көстүп кээр.
have made if he had said ' oh' but nothing came out.The first words he actually said were `Bloody hell!.
Kenny stared at my dad ' then at the badger " then at me.Then he thrust the badger behind his back.
Бүгү-Википедияда ниитизи-биле 30 ажыг сая түңнүг (миллион) чүүл бижиттинген бооп турар. Ол чүүлдерни эки турачылар делегейниң 276 аңгы дылдарынга бижип турар, оон аңгыда инкубатор иштинде 493 дылдарга база<ref>[https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias List of Wikipedias]</ref>. Википедияның сайтызы интернетте ажыглакчыларның кирген талазы-биле (по посещаемости) 5-ки черде турар<ref>[http://reportcard.wmflabs.org/ Limn]</ref>.
„ I haven't got anything '" he said." Have I ' samit?"
Samit looked around in confusion.My dad helped him out.„Go home' samit lad'" he said.He didn't say it unkindly.
Now all the other kids had melted away and it was just me and Dad and Kenny and the badger. Tina was still looking over the rim of her box.
„Where's this from?" My dad asked. " I don't know," said Kenny. He'd stopped trying to hide the badger and was holding it in front of him again.It didn't seem to mind. I thought I'd be best off with the truth.So I told Dad about Jezbo's and Rich and Rop' and the death of the old badger.
When I said Jezbo's name my dad stiffened, like someone had yanked the hairs at the back of his neck.But he didn't say anything until I'd finished the story.About half way through Kenny got bored with holding the badger and put it back in the box with the dog.
At the end my dad said," you can't keep it, son.There's laws about this.If the police find out I've got a wild animal,I'll be in breach of my bail.you know What that means."